Red Heart In A Blue State

Thursday, November 17, 2005

My blogging career begins

I finally have had the time and the energy to start my blog. I have just finished moving and spent the last 3 weeks getting stuff boxed up so I didn't have to pay the movers $90 an hour to do it. Boy did I pay for it in pain.

Our son is packing up to head home from his deployment in Iraq. My wife and I are so proud of him for what he has been through and has maintained such a level keel while doing it. He was almost killed twice and has endured an uncountable amount of mortar and rocket attacks, as well as having the helicopter he rode in shot at each time he went from his FOB to his home base near Tikrit. Even through this, he managed to take college courses over the internet and is about to earn two degrees.

As happy I am he's coming home, no one is happier than mom. We, his friends and family have all prayed that he stay safe and GOD has answered our prayers. To all those families who have had their loved ones deploy or are going to deploy, you have our deepest gratitude for them. We will continue to pray for all of them. To those families who have lost a loved one, we can never repay the sacrifice, but we will not let their memories be for naught. We will not let their sacrifice be trashed, or abused by the horrible anti-war, anti-American left. They, as the soldiers who have given their lives in the past are the reason we even have an America, and they will never be allowed to take this country and turn it into a second rate socialist nation.

Now, let's get down to business. I am a proud conservative living in California. I work for a major Hollywood studio and am an extreme minority there. I see the alternate universe that most liberal of liberals live in on a daily basis. I admit that I was a liberal until Jimmy Carter became president. I owe him one thing, he personally made me realize I was really a Republican, and I haven't looked back since.

Having my son in the military means that all the men in both my mom and dad's sides of the family have served in the military. I had uncles that fought in both WWII and Korea, and my dad went to Vietnam three times. I joined the Navy towards the end of Vietnam, the year my dad retired from the Navy. My brother served in the Air Force in the 80's.

Today I decided to really do something about our country to guide it to where it should be. I have been a quiet supporter of conservatism and the Republican party, but after this last election, I watched a state with way too many brainless liberals try to have their cake an eat it too. A year and a half ago, they flocked to elect a new governor and send a message that they wanted change and wanted it now. A year and a half later, they turned their backs on the best chance to make those changes and have hung the state out to dry. They want change? They don't want change? What they don't want to actually change anything, they just want to say they want change. Does that pretty much sum it up?

It's like their national leaders, who have decided that they won't make their parties agenda public this year. Maybe next year they will think of something, or just put off for another year.
Do you have a plan or not? It's like the last presidential election when Kerry would say he would do everything differently, but he would never say what he would do. What I'm guessing is that like all liberals, he just wanted to complain and say the other guys view was bad, but never giving an alternative plan. I know that everyone has had someone at work who excels in complaining about everything, especially their spouse. They won't do anything to fix the problem, they just want sympathy and attention. That pretty much sums up my interpretation of a liberal.


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