Red Heart In A Blue State

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Who's country is this?

If we aren't going to do anything to stem the flow of illegal aliens, what is going to happen to this state. How many more hospitals will close? How is the state going to avoid bankruptcy from paying welfare and other services that are being taxed? Even if they double our taxes, it won't be enough to pay for all of them. Almost 10% of mexican citizens are now living in this country illegally and no one wants to stop it. On the contrary, democrats are trying to get them as a new voting base by promising them more services and money. Some people are using them as a tool to "help" business by giving them a cheap labor force under the table. Neither will work. The liberals can't sue them to vote because they aren't citizens and there is no way yet to allow non-citizens to vote. How long do you think that businesses can continue to use the illegals as a cheap work force? Does anyone remember Cesar Chavez? You think there won't be another version of him rallying the workers to unionize, if the unions themselves don't get them to. So there goes cheap labor, now what?. So you might make some very short term advances, but the long term effects will be disastrous.


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