Red Heart In A Blue State

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Illegal immigration = Invasion

There is no other way to define it. When 20 million people cross your border with no paperwork, no invitation, or no concern to your countries laws, that constitutes and invasion. We should treat it as such. Those of us who have endured the brunt of this in California, know all to well what the future has in store if we don't plug the holes up on the border and repel the invaders.

We have lost two thirds of our trauma centers due to bankruptcy because they were inundated for years by people who sought free medical care. While I feel for those that do not have medical insurance, by losing these medical facilities, we did no one any good. This caused much more harm to the surviving medical centers because the crowds just shifted to the ones still open.

There is no liberal who can tell me that alowing these people to stay here will help anyone. They have and will continue to be a strain of proportions that will make Katrina pale by comparison. We had quotas in place because it was the only way we could assimilate people without putting burdens on our federal, state and local infrastructures. Allowing these law breakers to be rewarded for breaching our borders, falsifying documents, stealing identities of our own citizens, and letting them commit more crimes is beyond outrageous.

I heard clips of Ted Kennedy pleaing (pandering) for their future votes at a rally for illegal immigration. he should have been leading a roundup and bus trip back to the border for them. What does that tell you? This by a man who has lived a lie since 1969. How he can sleep at night after the murder, the rapes, the alcohol abuse, and God knows what else, I cannot imagine. Who would want a person like that as a friend? When he can come clean about his past, then and only then will I ever take his word for more than anything but a bunch of lying dribble.

Now I read stories of millions more illegals heading to the border because they found out about how easy it will be to get amnesty once they are here. The bill says that they have to only take the word of the illegal that they were here working for 5 or more years to get their amnesty card. Are you liberals that stupid to think they will all tell the truth? You cannot have smoked that much pot and rotted your brain to believe for a second that these people will lie through their teeth to get to keep raking money our of us.

They already have fake documents they can buy in thir own neighborhoods for 20 or 30 dollars. You don't think that they will be forging documents to "prove" they have been here. For that matter, what makes you think they will even show up to tell anyone they are illegal? There is nothing in the bill that will stop funding to anyone that stays illegal. There is no punishment for them for breaking the existing laws, so they already know we won't enforce those, why would they think we would enforce any other laws that would inconvenience them?

Washington needs to be cleaned out. Both parties need to be swept clean and completely start over with new laws that will be strictly enforced. This has gotten to a point where it's a complete circus. Nothing but a bunch of clowns running around pretending to be doing something to make us think they have everything under control. Truth is that they have nothing under control. They've become nothing more than a bunch of arrogant a**holes who are taking up space and breathing air that they don't deserve to breath. They should all be paying us back for that lack of work they have performed. It's a disgrace and they know it. They just don't care because we keep voting for them.

There is no morality anywhere in politics anymore and it's a crying shame, because if there was, this country would be so much the better for it.

If this amnesty bill goes forward, I hope that everyone who votes for it get voted out of office. The only way we will ever send them a message they will truly care about, is by taking their gravy train away from them. Hit them where it hurts, in the pocketbook, and in the ego. That's all they really seem to care about.


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