Who Do You Think Will Really Be Punished November 7th?
So there's many rumors abound that the religious right will be staying home this year in an attempt to punish the members of the GOP that are supposedly there to represent them. I have news for all the liberal media propaganda mongers, your just egging everyone on to really go out and vote against every liberal candidate. You could have been happy and kept your mouths shut and it just might have happened. But no, just like anything else liberals do, they shoot themselves in the foot over and over. You would think that they would learn because of the nearly 100% failure rate they have. Nope, you're too arrogant and/or stupid to learn from it. Maybe the media could have gotten away with it in the past, but with the internet there's not a prayer anything will again. For you supposed intellectual elitists, you don't use much of that brain power. Guess degrees in political Science and Journalism, have shown their true worth.
There's a reason they call it the "Moral Majority" you idiots. With all of this nonstop pounding about how your going to take over the House and the Senate, all you have really done is wake up the sleeping lion. The leftist media thinks everyone in the states between New York and California is just a bunch of stupid rednecks that didn't graduate the 6th grade and married their sister. Well guess what, YOUR WRONG. The next time you eat ANY meal, remember where all that food came from. Could you grow any of it? I seriously doubt it. Also remember where the main targets of Bin-Laden are. The real people of this country, the ones who make it work and keep it working will be taking time out of their working day to vote as many of you anti-American trash out of office as possible.
There's a reason they call it the "Moral Majority" you idiots. With all of this nonstop pounding about how your going to take over the House and the Senate, all you have really done is wake up the sleeping lion. The leftist media thinks everyone in the states between New York and California is just a bunch of stupid rednecks that didn't graduate the 6th grade and married their sister. Well guess what, YOUR WRONG. The next time you eat ANY meal, remember where all that food came from. Could you grow any of it? I seriously doubt it. Also remember where the main targets of Bin-Laden are. The real people of this country, the ones who make it work and keep it working will be taking time out of their working day to vote as many of you anti-American trash out of office as possible.
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