Red Heart In A Blue State

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Pre-9/11 Post

I graciously volunteered to post a special tribute to a 9/11 victim on Monday. I will not say who it is until I create the post, but I wanted to say how much of an honor it is to be able to pay tribute to a victim of that tragic day. I know all of the people who died on 9/11/01 were loved and missed by someone else. They all had wives, husbands, brothers, sisters, moms, dads, uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces, friends or aquaintances who now have to live with this missing part of their lives in them. Doing my part is a small debt I can repay them for the sacrifice they shouldn't have had to make.

It is an extra special tribute because I have a son that went to fight the war on terrorism because of that attack. It was all he could think of doing to help keep something like this from happening again. He volunteered to give his life without ever even knowing a single person that died that day. When I told him I was making this tribute, he thanked me for doing this. He never thought about any one person that died on 9/11, he thought of everything on a whole. Bringing it to a personal one-on-one level made him feel even more proud of what he did for that person as well as all the others.

We both wish we could have known any one of them, because we will never feel the level of pain from what happened that those that knew them felt, feel and will continue to feel for the rest of their lives.


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